After you have requested your credit reports, you can move onto the next step. If you have any charges on your credit, report that appears suspicious be sure to contact the three credit bureaus immediately, petitioning the charges.

The claims against your report affect you, so you have the right to file a claim with the Fair Crediting Reporting Act (FCRA). In 1971, the US Congress passed a law to protect us against claims filed on our credit report that do not belong to us.

Take advantage of this law. Understanding the steps to credit repair is essential to get on the road to building credit. After you have disputed your credit reports errors, you will next want to wait at least six months before applying for a loan or credit card. After about six months, most credit bureaus remove the errors completely.

Be ware that sometimes you may have to argue with the bureaus, since in some cases they neglect to remove the errors. If you have, any delinquencies on your credit report be, sure to take care of them right away if possible. While you wait, the six months be sure that you continue paying your bills on time. If you do not have the money to pay the bill in full, be sure you make adequate payments on the bill to avoid bad credit reports.

If you intend to apply for a loan later, make sure that you meet all payments required of you. In addition, it is wise to keep an updated copy of your credit report on hand if possible. We are advised to monitor our credit reports regularly so that we know where we stand with our credit. If your goal is to repair your credit, taking the first step is the beginning of building a great credit score and rating.