A free copy of a credit report is available to everyone and there are a few ways that you can obtain one. Your credit report holds the key to your financial future and that of your loved ones, so obtaining your free copy of a credit report is a sensible option to pursue. On a free copy of a credit report you can review all of your personal information to check what has changed and needs correcting and any negative entries that have been mistakenly recorded will need fixing.
Probably the best way to obtain your free copy of a credit report is by requesting it from one, or all, of the three major credit-reporting agencies Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. You can request your free copy of a credit report online with extremely fast results, by telephone with a waiting time of one to four weeks, or by written request after two to six weeks. You are entitled by the fair credit-reporting act to be able to receive at least one free copy of a credit report each calendar year.
The second least common and less well-known method of obtaining your free copy of a credit report is when you are denied a loan, housing application or employment. Upon not being approved, you will receive a letter, stating the unapproved status and the legal reason for it. When the contents of this letter are submitted to the credit-reporting agency that was used in reaching the decision you may then request a free copy of a credit report.
This is also outlined in the fair credit-reporting act. The letter itself can be submitted by email, telephone or in writing along with your application for your free copy of a credit report. If email or telephone is the chosen method, there will be a code included in your letter in which you will be prompted to enter to ensure your request is valid and to protect your free copy of a credit report from being given to unauthorized persons.
Lastly, in order to receive a one-time free copy of a credit report you may want to consider a credit reporting company that offers this as a bonus. These companies want to send you three in one credit reports on a monthly or quarterly basis, and when you sign-up for their service you will be entitled to receive your free copy of a credit report. Of course, you will be charged a nominal monthly fee for their service, but it does mean that you are able to monitor your report for suspicious activity that constitutes fraud or identity theft. It is a sensible method to consider, and you receive your free copy of a credit report as a bonus.
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