Get Started
Business Credit Resources
- Real Estate Funding
- The Dun & Bradstreet PAYDEX Score
- Business Startup Checklist & Resources
- What is business credit?
Free Consultation
The business credit process that I engaged in with Credit Lab has allowed me to establish my company’s corporate credit, expand my business operation, and take my company to the next level.
We will be in contact with you to get more confidential information. We will need a COPY of these documents uploaded to proceed with your file:
- Driver’s License or ID Card
- Social Security Card or any document that shows your name (paycheck, W-2, etc.)
- Any item showing your name and current address (electric, gas, water bill, top of bank statement)
- Any documentation that will assist us in this process
We will be emailing you portal login credentials within 24 hours.
Credit Lab allows you to cancel this agreement any time you feel you have reached the desired results. In addition, under Federal Law, “You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time before midnight on the 3rd business day after the date on which you signed the contract.”